10 Feminizing Herbs That Increase Estrogen

sissy guide to feminizing herbs

At some point along your sissy journey it may become a possibility—even a likelihood—that you will feel inspired to take your feminization endeavors to new and exciting heights.

Perfecting your beautification skills, starving yourself down into a skinny-bitch, learning how to walk and talk like a lady and binge shopping for sexy lingerie, pretty dresses and high heels will take you pretty damn fucking far. But there’s usually a way to venture even further down the rabbit hole of feminization.

You might eventually feel the urge to take the next step, which is… feminizing supplements.

Now, not every sissy is serious enough—much less ready—to engage in feminization hormone therapy or FHT. There’s a very good chance that you may never be inclined to take things to that extreme.

However there’s an alternative way to give your femininity a potent, but likely less powerful boost than doctor-prescribed hormones… feminizing herbs that increase estrogen.

If you’ve spent any time at all browsing through CD, TG or sissy forums searching for topics about “how to feminize yourself without hormones”, you will find that there is a prevalent opinion that feminizing herbs are a complete waste of time.

Many uninformed people cavalierly disregard feminizing herbal treatments as a form of quackery. They make it sound as if you were trying to toast bread with a flashlight.

These well-meaning posters hold a modern-medicine-mentality that FHT is the only effective way to approach transitioning from male to female. Their limiting paradigm is that if a feminizing supplement or pill isn’t prescribed by a doctor, then there’s no way it could possibly work.

The concept behind feminizing the male body is pretty simple: find a way to increase estrogen in the bloodstream while decreasing testosterone. Like most everything else in life, there’s usually more than one way to accomplish this.

Although I agree that conventional feminizing hormone therapy is certainly the most reliable, medically proven road to MtF transformation, it’s certainly NOT the only method that can work.

I believe that feminizing herbs, along with certain feminizing foods, can be effective—albeit on a lesser scale—too. There seems to be waaaaaay too many testaments from members of the TG community to support this conclusion.

Many have reported breast growth, smoother skin, less hair and emotional changes stemming from regular use of feminizing herbs.

The truth is that there are many feminization herbs that can impact the hormonal balance of the masculine body.

Perhaps going to see a doctor that specializes in MtF transition seems like a scary proposition to you? Are you looking for a healthier alternative to doctor prescribed hormones? Or maybe you’d like to dip your prettily polished toe in the water and experiment with herbal feminization before diving head-first into feminizing hormone therapy?

If you’ve been asking yourself those types of questions, then furthering your feminization program without taking doctor-prescribed hormones might be the perfect path for you.

A Short List of Feminizing Herbs

feminizing herbs

Below is a modest list (in alphabetical order) of a few of the most popular feminizing herbs, some of which I’m currently taking myself. There are of course many, many more but these ten (now nine) typically pop-up as some of the more common ones.

  • Black Cohosh Root
  • Dong Quai
  • Fenugreek
  • Green Tea
  • Hops
  • Licorice Root
  • Pueraria Mirifica (Kwao Krua)
  • Saw Palmetto? (see update below)
  • White Peony Root

If you are interested in knowing a little bit more about each these feminizing herbs, then I invite you to keep on reading.

Update: The reason that there are only 9 herbs listed above—instead of 10—is because I removed Maca Root from the ortiginal list. It appears that Maca may actually increase libido in biological males… not something sissies typically want.

Black Cohosh Root

black cohosh root

Black Cohosh, sometimes referenced by its scientific name, Actaea Racemosa and also known as black snakeroot, among others. It is a buttercup-like plant that grows in the eastern regions of North America. Native Americans were known to have used the root of black cohosh because of its many medicinal qualities.

One characteristic of this herb that sissies would be most interested in—and that some studies have demonstrated—is the estrogen-like effects it can have on the male body.

Black Cohosh Root is fairly inexpensive and is typically consumed in either capsule or liquid extract form. There is also tea that is made from Black Cohosh Root. I’ve never tried it but some report that it tastes fouler than a mixed brew of toxic waste.

Dong Quai

Dong Quai is a herb that is native to China but also grows in mountainous regions of Korea and Japan. This so-called feminizing herb also goes by Angelica Sinensis and is sometimes referred to as female ginseng.

Although more known for its premenstrual, menstrual and menopausal health benefits for women, it can also be used to help increase estrogen and progesterone levels in TGs, CDs and sissies.

Like Black Cohosh, Dong Quai is available in both capsule and liquid extract form. It also comes as a tea but unlike Black Cohosh tea, it has a sweet and pleasant taste to it.


As feminizing herbs go, Fenugreek has garnered a reputation for its ability to enhance feminization in general and breast growth in particular. The seeds from Fenugreek are well known phytoestrogens which have the ability to mimic estrogen in the bloodstream.

Fenugreek’s genesis has been traced back to 4000 BC and the plant was brought into cultivation in the Near East. You can buy Fenugreek seeds but this herb also comes as capsules, teas as well as liquid extracts.

Green Tea

green tea

It seems that I drink close to a metric ton of green tea (Camellia Sinensis)! Well, maybe not quite that much; but I do drink at least three or four cups —in differing flavors—on a daily basis. I like the fact that as tea goes, green tea stands pretty damn low on the ‘amount-of-caffeine’ totem pole.

But besides its many health benefits, green tea also is purported to have meaningful anti-androgen capabilities. It contains something called epigallocatechins, which works to inhibit the conversion of testosterone into DHT.

In case you weren’t aware, Dihydrotestosterone just happens to be estrogen’s public enemy #1. And, as sissies, we don’t need enemies like that.

Although green tea is not a true herbal tea, I decided to include it here anyway as a result of not only its anti-androgen qualities, but also because I happen to really enjoy drinking it.

A side benefit: green tea contains small amounts of an amino acid called L-theanine which promotes relaxation and works great for reducing anxiety and relieving stress. I like to drink green tea along with 200mg of L-theanine—in capsule form. Combined together, they have a super-calming effect.


Hops, the flowering part of the plant Humulus Lupulus, is what beer is made from. Hops have been used as a preservative in the beer making process for hundreds of years. As the story goes… long ago beer makers in Germany came to discover—much to their surprise—that the women who’s work it was to harvest hops began to complain that their menstrual periods were coming much earlier than normal.

As for the male workers, it appeared to not only be having adverse affects on their libido but seemed to be contributing to making their bodies take on feminine-like attributes.

What the beer makers didn’t know then is that hops contain high levels of phytoestrogens, which accounts for the physical changes in the workers that were harvesting the hops.

As a male, ingesting hops can cause your body to exhibit some of the secondary sexual characteristics of a woman. This includes the buildup of extra fatty tissue in the chest area—breast growth. It may also lead to testicular atrophy. In addition you might also experience loss of body hair, a reduced libido along with fewer and smaller erections.

What this means for a sissy is simple… if you want to experience an upturn in your femininity, drink more beer!

Licorice Root

licorice root

The scientific name for licorice is Glycyrrhiza Glabra. Also known as sweet root, it is a flowering plant that is native to the southern parts of Europe and western Asia. The sweet tasting, favorable substance that characterizes licorice is extracted from its root.

Licorice is not only a phytoestrogen, but has also been shown to significantly decrease testosterone levels, which makes it an effective anti-androgen. It has been used for centuries for its many other health benefits by practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine or TCM.

You can go ahead and eat plain licorice or buy licorice root sticks. It also comes in powder form (inside gel caps), as a liquid extract and even in tea form.

Pueraria Mirifica

pueraria mirifica

PM or Kwao Krua is a plant native to Thailand and Myanmar. Large scale plantations have been created in Thailand to meet the ever increasing demand for Pueraria Mirifica. PM has had a long standing reputation for being able to increase breast size—in both women and men.

The active ingredients in Pueraria Mirifica have been shown to be 3,000 more potent than soy products, which themselves rate very high up on the isoflavones/phytoestrogens scale. One Dr. Garry Gordon MD, has stated that:

“Pueraria Mirifica makes Black Cohosh look like a placebo.”

Impressive claims of longevity along with reduction of wrinkles and smoother skin are other very good reasons that PM has garnered the interest of the TG community.

I happen to be one sissy that is very interested in the effects this feminizing herb can have on the body. I’ve been taking 1,000mg of PM per day over the past 90 days. My skin is noticeably smoother and my nipples are more sensitive, tingling and quite sore.

The latin translation of mirifica is amazing, wonderful. It would appear that we sissies have quite an amazing and wonderful feminizing herb on our hands.

A word of warning: Pueraria Mirifica—because of it’s estrogenic enhancing qualities—may cause you to gain unwanted weight. I’ve put on five fucking pounds over the past couple of weeks! No way it could’ve been the ice cream.

Saw Palmetto

Saw Palmetto (Serenoa Repens) is another feminization herb that I take on a daily basis (540mg per day). The Saw Palmetto berry comes from small palm trees that go by the same name. These trees are found in the Southeastern section of the United States.

Saw Palmetto is a traditional Native American herb that has, for many years, been used to treat BPH or enlarged prostate syndrome in males. But, lucky for us sissies, it has also been found to be effective in MtF breast enhancement.

Breast growth in males is brought about by a precise mix of hormones that include both estrogen and progesterone. The male hormone that can single-handedly bring breast development to a screeching halt is of course… testosterone.

Saw Palmetto is purported to be one of nature’s most powerful anti-androgens, which means it has the ability to prevent testosterone from morphing into DHT, which happens to be a more-than-effective estrogen inhibitor. In a nutshell, anti-androgens like Saw Palmetto work as testosterone blockers—which in turn allows estrogen to flourish throughout the bloodstream.

The easiest and most efficient way to take Saw Palmetto is in capsule form, which is widely available.

Update: It has come to my attention that there are widely differing opinions as to the anti-androgen effects of Saw Palmetto. Some contend that SP actually enhances testosterone production. That view would corroborate anecdotal accounts from the TG community that SP is often taken in conjunction with Pueraria Mirifica as a counter-measure in order to retain their capability to have erections. With few clinical studies regarding unregulated herbal supplements such as Saw Palmetto, it would be wise to first do your own research?

White Peony Root

white peony root

White Peony Root or Paeonia Lactiflora is an anti-androgen that I’ve also been taking daily (500mg). This feminizing herb is extracted from Peony, the Chinese national flower, and has a history of use that dates back 4,000 years.

Historically, it has been used in TCM—Traditional Chinese Medicine—for its healing and medicinal qualities. White peony root has also been shown to effect androgen levels in men by not only inhibiting the production of testosterone but also by giving a boost the manufacture of aromatase, which is effective in converting testosterone into estrogen.

You can buy raw peony root but I wouldn’t know the first thing on how to prepare or eat it. White Peony Root extract, in capsule form, is the way I prefer to go.

Can Feminizing Herbs Really Increase Estrogen?

increase estrogen

I think it would be more than fair to say that much of what you read regarding the effects that feminization herbs have on the male body is purely anecdotal. There is not nearly enough clinical research nor scientific facts to back up the many claims.

Still, since there are so damn many reports of significant results among the MtF TG community—including myself—it’s hard to not take (at least some of them) seriously.

Personally, I don’t believe that feminizing herbs should be looked upon as an across-the-board replacement to traditional FHT. Treat them rather as a milder, gentler and a maybe healthier approach to a doctor-prescribed regimen of feminizing hormone therapy.

Or perhaps use them as a herbal-bridge to traditional FHT.

Because feminization herbs are naturally occurring—no prescription necessary—doesn’t mean that they should be taken lightly. On the contrary, some of the herbs I’ve mentioned here are remarkably potent, and deserve the required amount or respect.

If you do choose to experiment with any of these herbs that increase estrogen, my advice would be to monitor your dosage carefully. It can sometimes take a week or two for your body to adapt to them.

Sissification is a Process

When it comes to sissification, you gotta be patient. Any noticeable results when taking herbal supplements will take some time—and it’s usually longer than you might wish it to be.

Like other aspects of the journey to feminization, Your Sissification Process (that’s the title of an article that I wrote and something you might be interested in reading about) will politely, and sometimes not so politely, refuse to be rushed.