There are not many things that can make you feel more feminine than having soft, smooth and silky skin… all over! As a confirmed sissy, I make it a point to ensure that I stay hairless. I have absolutely come to HATE body hair!
Using my hatred-of-hair as a motivator, this sissy is moving more towards permanent hair removal lately. Everything about being a girl takes time—as I’m sure you’ve noticed—and by not having to spend a portion of that precious time removing unwanted hair would be a boon.
Personally, I’d rather be spending my time on more important things like applying lipstick and lashes.
Shaving, Epilating and Waxing are a Chore

Male to female hair removal has become a big part of my life. Currently I shave my entire body twice per week and have gotten the shaving process down to about ten to fifteen minutes. Spending half an hour a week to have a smooth body is not a bad trade off. Still… how nice would it be to not have to shave at all?
I did epilate my body for a while. You can read all about my epilating experiment. It turned out to be quite the chore. Besides, you have to let the hairs grow out to ¼” which means that you aren’t completely hairless all of the time. I wound up scrapping my epilating experiment after six months.
I have had my legs waxed a couple of times in the past. Waxing is not all that painful but, as with epilating, you need to let the hairs grow out to a certain length for it to be effective. And THAT, my dear, is NOT staying hairless.
Fuck this temporary hair removal shit. Let’s go permanent!
Permanent Sissy Hair Removal
When it comes to MtF hair removal, there are only three ways to achieve permanent results:
- Laser
- IPL (intense pulsed light)
- Electrolysis
Let’s go over them, one by one.
1 – Laser Hair Removal

With the very popular laser hair removal method, a highly concentrated and narrow band-width of light wave—laser—is beamed into the hair follicle and is absorbed by the hair. This light energy is transformed into heat and it’s this heat that is responsible for destroying the hair follicle.
Taking into account that hair grows in cycles, a laser treatment can only kill the hairs that are growing in the most current cycle. That’s why repeated treatments—lasting a few months—are needed in order to destroy hair follicles in future growth cycles.
Another thing to consider is that laser light is absorbed more readily by darker hairs—those that contain melanin. That’s why laser hair removal is least effective on skin with light colored hair. Lighter hair contains little or no melanin.
The most effective results using laser treatments are obtained on lighter skinned sissies with darker hair. Since a laser can’t differentiate between dark skin and dark hair, darker-skinned people are susceptible to having their skin burned by the laser.
2 – IPL or Intense Pulsed Light

IPL is similar to laser hair removal in that a light wave is absorbed by the hair, resulting in a build-up of heat, which winds up killing the hair follicle.
The main difference is that—instead of using a light wave with a narrow band-width—the intense pulsed light method uses a broad-spectrum wavelength of light that gets absorbed by the hair pigment (melanin).
Because IPL depends on a lower intensity—and less focused—type of light wave, more sessions are required than with the laser method. Like laser, IPL works best on darker colored hairs because they contain melanin. Unlike laser, IPL, because of it’s less intense, broader spectrum light waves, does work a bit better on darker skin tones.
Also, IPL hair removal is generally considered to be a more uncomfortable process than laser treatments.
Permanent Laser Hair Removal or Hair Reduction?
Even though laser and IPL hair removal procedures are commonly called permanent hair removal methods, they are in fact hair reduction approaches to hair removal.
That’s because laser treatments—no matter what color hair we’re talking about—will only remove around 70 percent of hairs. And a certain percentage of those hairs will eventually grow back; although it might take quite some time for that to happen.
That’s why electrolysis is the only FDA approved method for permanent sissy hair removal.
3 – Using Electrolysis For Permanent Sissy Hair Removal

The electrolysis method for male to female hair removal has been around for well over a century. Electrolysis removes any color or thickness of hair… permanently.
There are three electrolysis approaches that can be used:
- Galvanic
- Thermolysis
- The Blend Method
Galvanic electrolysis introduces a mild DC electrical current into the hair follicle—all the way down to the moist papilla—via a thin wire filament or probe. This current initiates a chemical reaction that produces sodium hydroxide (lye) within the follicle, killing the root, sealing off the blood supply and destroying the hair stem cells.
Although galvanic was the original method of performing electrolysis (invented in 1875), it has fallen out of favor as it is a relatively slow procedure, typically taking from 20 to 30 seconds for the electrically induced chemical reaction to destroy the hair follicle.
Since electrologists generally charge by the hour, the time-consuming galvanic method isn’t the most cost effective.
Thermolysis (or shortwave diathermy) is a popular form of electrolysis used by many professional electrologists. It is performed by using a piece of sophisticated equipment that applies an alternating electrical current (or AC) to a needle or probe inserted into the hair follicle.
The current creates high-frequency vibrations—kind of like a mini-microwave—producing heat that is responsible for killing the hair follicle. Thermolysis works much faster than the galvanic method, taking only about a second to destroy the hair bulb at the base of the follicle.
The blend method of electrolysis combines the effectiveness of the galvanic process with much of the speed characteristics of thermolysis.
Also known as the dual-action method, the blend method works faster (7 seconds) than the galvanic process and is generally considered more effective than thermolysis. It works by electrically adding additional heat to the produced, sodium hydroxide solution, making it even more acidic—and dispersing it more effectively—than the galvanic process can do on its own.
Permanent MtF Hair Removal For the Face

One thing that I’m thoroughly convinced of… there’s not too many things that can enhance a sissy’s femininity more than permanently eliminating facial hair. And the most effective, time-tested way to achieve that is with electrolysis.
As a sissy, wouldn’t it be wonderful to never have to deal with beard growth ever again? No shaving; no beard cover-up; no applying color correcting orange or red-toned products before applying your foundation.
How about having super-smooth skin around the mouth area, making for a perfectly clean surface when over-lining your lips?
Since electrolysis is the only one-hundred-percent-for-sure-way of permanently removing hair, then that’s the method you should probably use for the face.
Electrolysis will permanently remove the dark hairs; the light hairs; the gray hairs; the course hairs; the fine hairs and even the hairs growing from a curved or crooked follicle. All the hairs!
Although the process can take months and be fairly expensive, all the time and expense would be more than worth it—in my sissy mind anyway.
Professional or DIY Sissy Hair Removal?

Having hair removed by a professional is not a budget-friendly proposition. Following through with that thought, there are several options a sissy has for the do-it-yourself approach. Having blurted that out, DIY hair removal requires a certain level of patience and commitment that makes it difficult—at best—to have appreciable success removing hair by yourself at home.
In addition, hair removal equipment—either laser or IPL—used by professionals are often sophisticated, state-of-the-art devices that are more powerful and efficient than anything you can purchase for home use.
All that being said, these days there is a plethora of laser and IPL home hair removal products to choose from. None of them can be considered inexpensive since they start at around $250 and the prices from there rise faster than a homesick angel.
Still, that’s a lot cheaper than going in for professional laser or IPL treatments on a regular basis. Be aware that the overwhelming majority of laser home devices aren’t really true lasers at all but rather the IPL (intense pulsed light) variety.
What About Home DIY Electrolysis?
I think it would be safe to say that well over 99% of DIY, hair removal devices purchased for home use are of the laser/IPL variety. The main reasons being:
- Electrolysis is a more-than-difficult procedure to master by an untrained professional.
- There are very few (like one) electrolysis devices available for purchase for the at-home-do-it-yourselfer.
You can find transdermal devices that use a conductive gel and patches applied to the skin that place an electrical charge to the hairs on the surface, hoping that the electrical energy will travel down the hair shaft and destroy the follicle. By virtually every account, this method just DOESN’T work.
Then there are electric tweezers that place an electrical charge directly to the hair via an electrified tweezer apparatus, supposedly killing the underlying hair follicle. The FDA has this to say about them: “There is no statistically significant scientific data available at this time to support promotional claims of permanent or long-term removal of hair through use of the device.”

There’s no getting around it… to achieve effective MtF hair removal results with electrolysis, you must use a device that has a probe-like filament that is inserted down into the hair follicle.
Which brings us back, full-circle, to a galvanic electrolysis device that is suitable for home use. There happens to be one—and only one—that I could find anyway.
The good thing is that it’s fairly inexpensive. The bad: it’s reported to be incredibly difficult to use for at-home-do-it-yourself permanent hair removal. I’ve read, right here, that DIY electrolysis is a tedious and time consuming task that requires more tenacity, skill and patience that the average sissy (or anyone else for that matter) has available to her.
Be-that-as-it-may, that same article has inspired me to use this same type of galvanic electrolysis device to permanently remove my facial hair. The device in question is the: Clean+Easy Personal Electrolysis for Face and Body. You can currently buy this product on Amazon for $49.99.

The above mentioned article was written some time ago, way before the Clean+Easy was available. Interestingly enough, back in the 1970’s, 80’s and 90’s, a company called Inverness manufactured the One Touch Personal Home Electrolysis device, the same exact unit that now happens to be the Clean+Easy! Apparently, at some point, Clean+Easy obtained the manufacturing or patent rights from Inverness?
Anyways, I found an Inverness One Touch on eBay (brand new, never been used) for $25. I then found another one (used) for $20 that can serve as a back-up. If either of them wear out or fail in any way, the Clean+Easy is always available.

Although a seemingly daunting task, there are MtF TG—and sissies—that have used these devices to permanently remove their facial hair. My attitude is: if they can do it, so can I.
Being that a professional electrologist charges between $50 and $125 per hour, if I become anything close to proficient with the process, it will be well worth my time.
Wanna Stick With Shaving For Now?
If you are feeling a bit intimidated and overwhelmed, maybe you’re not yet ready for laser, IPL or electrolysis. You can always choose to stick with the tried-and-true method of sissy hair removal… shaving.
You might find my article on shaving an interesting read.